Bye Bye Binary

What is in the mind of Belgium based artists and art thinkers these days? We periodically invite a protagonist of the prolific Belgian art landscape to curate our storefront, and share a list of books synthesizing their creative and intellectual mood. Scroll down to get inspired.

Bye Bye Binary for Peinture Fraîche

Bye Bye Binary (BBB) is a Franco-Belgian collective, a pedagogical experiment, a community, a variable typo-graphic creation workshop, a network, an alliance. The collective, formed in November 2018 during a joint workshop of the typography workshops of the École de Recherche Graphique (erg) and La Cambre (Brussels), proposes to explore new graphic and typographic forms adapted to the French language, in particular the creation of glyphs (letters, ligatures, median points, linking or symbiotic elements) taking as a starting point, a field of experimentation and a subject of research the language and the inclusive writing.

Some contributions from the Bye Bye Binary collective

Censored Magazine N°5
For the new Censored Magazine – Intimate and Political Archive, BBB member Clara Sambot imagined a series of inclusive ligatures added to the free font NotCourierSans designed by Ludi Loiseau (BBB/OSP). These typographic experiments will continue in future issues, creating an ecology of practices that will evolve with the needs and contents of the magazine. It also contains non-binary BBB normographs to cut out prepared by Roxanne Maillet, and many other sublime contributions!

LSD n°1 A Feminist Issue 
Graphisme x Intersections, Intersectional, Feminist and Decolonial Voices in the Field of Graphic Design brings together several voices that feed a field of graphic design in mutation.
Text by Loraine Furter, member of the BBB collective.

LSD n°2 A Typographic Issue 
In this issue 2 of LSD, the text Une révolution typographique post-binaire, by Camille Circlude, member of the BBB collective, unveils some specimens of an inventory in progress around inclusive, non-binary, post-binary typographic experiments.
Ligatures to augment the Fromax typeface have been designed for the formatting of this text, giving it the hybrid status of an essay and a typographic specimen.

Panthère Première n°7
The article ~INCLUSIFVES is a toolkit for thinking and working with new kinds of graphs – non-binary ones, written by Loraine Furter, member of the BBB collective.

PD La revue
PD The magazine looks back at the journey and issues of the Bye Bye Binary collective in a five-page interview, Ol typographe sauvera lo monde, which includes illustrations by the collective as well as the non-binary grammar ACADAM.

Revue Absys, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles
Invited by the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles for the Jerk Off festival in September 2021 for a Queer-bloc* (of texts, printed, pasted, chanted,…), Bye Bye Binary answered Diane Moquet’s questions for this interview published in the Absys magazine.
The interview is also online :

Etapes n°259
Following the media coverage of Tristan Bartolini’s typographic work and the Bye Bye Binary press release indicating that it was a wider movement than the isolated figure of a genius, the magazine Etapes devoted a special dossier to BBB, allowing to re-launch the visibility of pre-existing work in the field of “inclusive” typography. An interview conducted by Clara Debailly.

Revue Radar n°3

Evénement Focus "Verre" à l'occasion de l'exposition "Metaverre" chez Mathilde Hatzenberger du 16 mai au 7 juillet. Bienvenue ! Cette semaine : Présentation et signature par Christian Heck de "Présence de la Lumière Inaccessible : Les Vitraux de Conques et la peinture de Soulages" ce jeudi 23 mai à 16h à la galerie Faider

9 Rue Lesbroussart in 1050 Brussels

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