Couverture du livre Au Bord - Angelo Tijssens, Julliard, Peinture Fraiche Au Bord - Angelo Tijssens, Julliard, Peinture Fraiche
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Couverture du livre Au Bord - Angelo Tijssens, Julliard, Peinture Fraiche Au Bord - Angelo Tijssens, Julliard, Peinture Fraiche
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Angelo TijssensAu Bord


“The taste of blood and the smell of damp plaster. Earlier in the day, with a bucket half-filled with warm water and an old sponge, you wet the edges of the wallpaper so that you could peel it off more easily with a spatula – very gently, so as not to tear off a piece of wall by accident. You’ll still be smelling the damp plaster on the back of your tongue a lot of the time. You’ll move at least nine more times. Everything you own at the time will be lost. Everything you think is valuable will disappear. You’ll gradually lose sight of some things, throwing others away on purpose to buy food or cigarettes, burning them, giving them away or abandoning them. You want to scream but you can’t because a hand is clutching your throat. ”

On the Belgian coast, out of season, a young man returns to his home town. He is reunited with his first love. The intensity of the reunion brings back bitter memories of adolescence, doubts, fragility and the violence of a mother.

Au Bord - Angelo Tijssens, Julliard, Peinture Fraiche
  • Angelo Tijssens
  • Julliard
  • Language French
  • Release2023
  • Pages128
  • Format20.9 x 14.4 cm
  • ISBN9782260055952

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