Benoit Feron & Catherine François

Catherine François & Benoit Feron

Book launch

The Peinture Fraîche team is delighted to invite you to the double launch of the Prisme editions during which the artist Catherine François and the photographer Benoit Feron will present their respective new books.
The book launch will take place on Saturday 6 November from 3.30 to 6.30 pm.

Catherine François
Nature is the great creator, she does everything, I am only her instrument, says Catherine François, whose modesty is that of the great. Her work reflects the growing chaos that is taking over the world, feeding her anxiety and ours. The imbalance is profound, organic. But for her, these accidents are the source of an ambitious research which aims, through art, to underline the urgency for the human species to finally respect Nature, on which its survival depends. This book illustrates the artist’s abundant career: thirty years of sculpture and a creativity that expresses itself with all the vigour of the living.

Born in Belgium in 1963, Catherine François studied law at university before turning to the fine arts and sculpture, a discipline to which she has devoted her life for the past thirty years. Her work is regularly exhibited in Brussels, Knokke, Paris and Geneva. In 2007, the David and Alice van Buuren Museum in Brussels organised her first retrospective exhibition. This event was a great success and led to a second invitation in 2012. Inspired by nature, Catherine François’ works are strong, organic, familiar and sensual, while tending towards abstraction. Her works translate the infinity of movement, regardless of the balance between energies… In the image of life.

Benoit Feron
“November 2020. While the government is reconfiguring us, the photographer Benoît Feron launches, until the borders reopen 165 days later, an incredible daily series on FaceBook and Instagram, in the form of an invitation to travel the world. And this in all registers: nature, human, animal, urban, …
39 countries visited, nearly 1,650 photos taken over 15 years of travel and illustrated with numerous stories, revealing unsuspected worlds. A unique journey, marked as much by its variety as by its great artistic quality. It is also a citizen’s initiative, welcomed by the many Internet users who read it every day and thank it for this unfailing support, brightening up their daily lives in these complicated times. The book, Voyages, retraces this astonishing epic to continue the dream… “

Benoît Feron is a Belgian photographer living in Brussels. His work is nourished by a deep love of travel and exploration of the planet, its peoples and its wonders. He is particularly interested in the Horn of Africa, its striking lights and its infinite nature, but above all the great diversity and infinite beauty of its peoples, of whom he has captured a number of portraits, but also skins, body painting, scarifications and ornaments. He is the author of several books and has been widely exhibited in Belgium and France.

Evénement Focus "Verre" à l'occasion de l'exposition "Metaverre" chez Mathilde Hatzenberger du 16 mai au 7 juillet. Bienvenue ! Cette semaine : Présentation et signature par Christian Heck de "Présence de la Lumière Inaccessible : Les Vitraux de Conques et la peinture de Soulages" ce jeudi 23 mai à 16h à la galerie Faider

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