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Salih Basheer 22 Days in Between


In this photobook, Salih Basheer collects the few memories he has of his parents, who passed away when he was three years old. These memories, seen from a child’s perspective are presented in a mix of images, writing, self-portraits and drawings, as fragments of a lost childhood. The book is Salih’s visual process of learning more about his parents and himself and serves as a method of healing from a personal trauma.

I have only a few memories of my parents. I remember I was once with my mother in our house yard, and I was horrified by the noise of an airplane flying low spraying insecticide. I was trying to hide in my mother’s arms. I also remember I was once with my father as he was driving us in his white Fiat to the mosque for the Tarawih prayer. It was Ramadan and I went with my mother to the women’s section on the second floor to enjoy watching the prayers from above. – From the preface by Salih Basheer

Salih Basheer (b. 1995, Omdurman) is a Sudanese documentary photographer. During his studies of Geography at Cairo University, Egypt, he started as a self-taught photographer and subsequently studied Photo Journalism in Denmark at DMJX. He has been awarded several grants and prizes for his ongoing projects, and his photo stories have been exhibited in Ethiopia, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and the United Arab Emirates. Salih Basheer currently lives and works in Denmark. 22 Days in Between is his first book.

  • Disko Bay
  • Languages Arab English
  • Release2023
  • Pages112
  • Format16 x 12 cm
  • ISBN9788797352632

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