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2G 82 Ensamble Studio

39.95 EUROS

Ensamble Studio is a cross-functional team founded in 2000, led by architects Antón García-Abril and Débora Mesa. Balancing imagination and reality, art and science, their work innovates typologies, technologies and methodologies to address issues as diverse as the construction of the landscape or the prefabrication of the house.

From their early works: SGAE Headquarters, Hemeroscopium House or The Truffle in Spain, to their most recent: Ensamble Farbrica in Madrid and Ca’n Terra in Menorca, Spain, every project makes space for experimentation aiming to advance their field.

Currently, through their start-up WoHo, they are invested in increasing the quality of architecture while making it more affordable by integrating offsite technologies. Their new research and fabrication facility in Madrid, Ensamble Farbrica, has been built to support this endeavour. Together they are committed to sharing ideas and cultivating synergies between professional and academic worlds through teaching lecturing and research: she is Ventulett Chair in Architectural Design at Georgia Tech and he is a Professor at MIT, where they co-founded the POPlab – Prototypes of Prefabrication Laboratory- in 2012.

  • 2G
  • Language English
  • Release2021
  • Pages160
  • Format30.5 x 23.5 cm
  • ISBN9783960988069

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