AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche
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AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche
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AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota


Ana Jotta’s work is one of the most exciting and singular in the Portuguese art scene of recent decades. A painter first and foremost, she is also a collector and gleaner, giving new life to the objects, writings and inventions of others as well as her own. Making is a constant motto in the development of her artistic work, which is as modest and thrifty as it is prolific,” wrote curator Claire Le Restif in 2016.
Pierre Leguillon was born in France and lives in Brussels. The book is one of his favourite formats, even though he has worked with slides and has fun with the film image. In June 2022, the magazine Etapes Graphiques said of him that he “puts into perspective the techniques of making and distributing images in relation to a cultural and artistic history

A game of visual ping-pong between the artists Ana Jotta and Pierre Leguillon, brought together in a voluminous album, bound in Japanese style.

AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche AJ-PL, Pierre Leguillon pour Ana Jota, The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro, Peinture Fraiche
  • The museum of mistakes & Arte Libro
  • Languages French Portuguese
  • Release2022
  • Pages332
  • Format13.5 x 22.5 cm
  • ISBN2000000028316

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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