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Among Others : Blackness at MoMA

72.50 EUROS

Among Others: Blackness at MoMA begins with an essay that provides a rigorous and in-depth analysis of MoMA’s history regarding racial issues. It also calls for further developments, leaving space for other scholars to draw on particular moments of that history. It takes an integrated approach to the study of racial blackness and its representation: the book stresses inclusion and, as such, the plate section, rather than isolating black artists, features works by non-black artists dealing with race and race- related subjects. As a collection book, the volume provides scholars and curators with information about the Museum’s holdings, at times disclosing works that have been little documented or exhibited. The numerous and high-quality illustrations will appeal to anyone interested in art made by black artists, or in modern art in general.

  • Ed. Darby English, Charlotte Barat
  • MoMA
  • Language English
  • Release2019
  • Pages488
  • Format27.9 x 22.8 cm
  • ISBN9781633450349

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