An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo
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An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo
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Alberto Di LenardoAn attic full of trains


Unknown in his lifetime, Alberto di Lenardo’s work offers a precursor to some of Italy’s best-loved photographers, from Luigi Ghirri to Guido Guidi, with work made across Italy, the USA, Brasil, Morocco, Greece and beyond. In Carlotta’s scrupulous sequencing, An Attic Full of Trains shows us a joyous cross-section of life in the 20th Century: one of beaches and bars, mountains, road trips, lovers and friends.

An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo An attic full of trains, Alberto Di Lenardo
  • Mack
  • Language English
  • Release2020
  • Pages232
  • Format148 x 210 cm
  • ISBN9781912339969

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