Les Artistes Iconographes Les Artistes Iconographes Les Artistes Iconographes
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Les Artistes Iconographes Les Artistes Iconographes Les Artistes Iconographes
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Les Artistes Iconographes, Artists as Iconographers

22.00 EUROS

Published for the first time in 2018, Artists as iconographers is published for the second time in a new expanded edition with a booklet made by Batia Suter. This book brings together productions by contemporary artists in a historical genealogy of the reuse of images in the 20th century. The richly documented and illustrated book includes numerous texts and interviews aimed at shedding light on the practices of these iconographic artists. For more than a century, iconographic artists have nourished their approach with the diversity of images produced by others and distributed industrially in society. The aim of this book is to put these practices into perspective by focusing on the last forty years, marked by the invention and development of the Internet. By including theoretical texts, interviews and exhibition practices, this book maps the relationships that artists have with images and raises the question of affect as a driving force in our interactions with them.

Les Artistes Iconographes Les Artistes Iconographes Les Artistes Iconographes
  • Garanxz Chabert & Aurélien Mole
  • Empire Books
  • Languages English French
  • Release2020
  • Pages342 + 32
  • Format20 x 12.5 cm
  • ISBN9791095991021

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