Couverture du livre As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche
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Couverture du livre As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche
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Dudi HassonAs Far As Close


“Addicted” to photography from a very young age, autodidact photographer Dudi Hasson (b. 1981, Israeli) embarked on his photographic journey at the age of 16. Ever since then, his work has explored the thin line between intimacy and alienation. Inspired by people and places, Hasson is continually curious about the nature of relationships—whether they’re between the camera and its subject, between the subjects themselves, or internally between himself and the camera. Dudi strives to capture rare moments of the “in-between”, i.e. in between love and hate, joy and misery, truth and lies, far and close.

As Far As Close is a selected collection of Hasson’s portraits from different times and places, gathered as a mosaic of unexpected moments best demonstrating his unique aesthetics and point of view.

The book contains a poem, in Hebrew, written by poet Noam Noy (b. 1988, Israeli), alongside an English translation.

First edition of 700 copies. Special edition of 25 copies, numbered, in paperboard slipcase, screen printed in green, with signed original print.

As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche As Far As Close - Dudi Hasson, Libraryman, Peinture Fraiche
  • Libraryman
  • Language English
  • Release2021
  • Pages72
  • Format30.5 x 25 cm
  • ISBN9789188113511

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