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Isabelle Dupuy ChavanatAtlas mondial de l'artisanat d'art


Isabelle Dupuy Chavanat’s world tour is an ode to committed craftsmanship, to the materials and hands that shape them, and to the spirit that guides them.
From Japan to the United States, via India, Italy, France, Mali and Mexico, nearly 40 men and women from all over the world open the doors of their workshops and share with us their heritage, their know-how and their visions for a changing world.
From banana fibre to seaweed, we’ll be discovering natural materials, some of them surprising, to help us reflect on the place of doing, time and nature in our societies.

  • Isabelle Dupuy Chavanat
  • Flammarion
  • Language French
  • Release2023
  • Pages360
  • Format31 x 24 cm
  • ISBN9782080254603

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

9 Rue Lesbroussart in 1050 Brussels

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