Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl
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Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl
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Nanna Debois BuhlCloud behaviour

30.00 EUROS

In the summer of 2018, Nanna Debois Buhl studied clouds by photographing them and experimenting with film in the darkroom. These photographs are related to historical reflection on clouds, scientific research on their behaviour, but also to August Strindberg’s mystical and meteorological contemplation of clouds. Climatology researchers are now studying the behaviour of clouds to understand the impact of global warming on them and vice versa. Nanna Debois Buhl’s work is accompanied by texts on how to visualise these behaviours, pencil drawings, computer simulations and mythological representations of clouds.

Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl Cloud behaviour, Nanna Debois Buhl
  • Humboldt Books
  • Language English
  • Release2020
  • Pages144
  • Format29 x 24 cm
  • ISBN9788899385767

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