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David Hammons: Body Prints 1968 - 1979


Internationally renowed for his three-dimensional assemblages, performances, and large-scale installations, David Hammons (b.1943) began his career with impressions of his own body combined with silkscreens and collaged found objects. David Hammons : Body Prints 1968 – 1979 is the first publication to focus exclusively on these pivotal early works on paper in which the artist used the body as both a drawing tool and printing pace to explore performative, unconventional form of image making. Together the thirty-two body prints highlighted in this volume introduce the major themes of a fifty-year career that has become central history of postwar American art.

  • Laura Hoptman, Linda Goode Bryant, Senga Nengudi, Bruce W. Talamon
  • The Drawing Center
  • Language English
  • Release2021
  • Pages136
  • Format15.5 x 23 cm
  • ISBN9780942324419

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