Couverture du livre Defense D'entrer Ici - Patrick Kyle, Fremok, Peinture Fraiche Defense D'entrer Ici - Patrick Kyle, Fremok, Peinture Fraiche Defense D'entrer Ici - Patrick Kyle, Fremok, Peinture Fraiche
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Couverture du livre Defense D'entrer Ici - Patrick Kyle, Fremok, Peinture Fraiche Defense D'entrer Ici - Patrick Kyle, Fremok, Peinture Fraiche Defense D'entrer Ici - Patrick Kyle, Fremok, Peinture Fraiche
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Defense D'entrer Ici


The character, at first a prisoner of tangible limits – his fear of cockroaches, a courteous but extremely fussy landlord, a neighbour a little too emotionally invested in their relationship – will quickly find himself alienated by irrational disturbances, then downright metafictional: confusions between dreams and reality, the restive personality of the artificial intelligence Doorways 98… And the permanent facetiousness of its author, who modifies the parameters of his vital space and observes what is happening. The mental precariousness of his puppet, subjected to issues that alienate and overwhelm him, is reminiscent of what each of us has recently experienced, isolated in a modern home. His minimalist adventures will also speak to anyone who has been terrorised by a cockroach, or thought themselves cursed by their computer… Here, each adventure or joke is an experiment, the gags are skilfully constructed, each change of appearance, technique or mode of narration is significant. The drawing thus moves from clinical straight lines to more expressive brushstrokes, dictating a sometimes fluid, sometimes disconcerting reading. The narrative borrows more from introspection or the absurd than from adventure or investigation, but all these elements can be summoned in unexpected, minimalist forms.

Defense D'entrer Ici - Patrick Kyle, Fremok, Peinture Fraiche Defense D'entrer Ici - Patrick Kyle, Fremok, Peinture Fraiche
  • Fremok
  • Language French
  • Release2023
  • Pages264
  • Format17.8 x 14 cm
  • ISBN9782390220367

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