Double Dominant, Karl Haendel Double Dominant, Karl Haendel Double Dominant, Karl Haendel Double Dominant, Karl Haendel
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Double Dominant, Karl Haendel Double Dominant, Karl Haendel Double Dominant, Karl Haendel Double Dominant, Karl Haendel
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Karl HaendelDouble Dominant

18.00 EUROS

Karl Haendel visited twenty-four of his artist friends and colleagues in Los Angeles (Walead Beshty, Rodney McMillian, Amanda Ross-Ho,…) to photograph their dominant hands. He digitally cut up these photos and spliced them back together, interleaving two iterations of each artist’s dominant hand into one impossible portrait. He then drew the new unnatural pairs in pencil, at a colossal, almost architectural scale.This publication is the sixth in a series of artist books dedicated to b/w portraits.

Double Dominant, Karl Haendel Double Dominant, Karl Haendel Double Dominant, Karl Haendel
  • Triangle books
  • Language English
  • Release2019
  • Pages40
  • Format28 x 22 cm
  • ISBN9782930777351

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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