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David Hockney Drawing from life


Published to accompany a major international exhibition, David Hockney: Drawing from Life features Hockney’s drawings from the 1950s to the present day, and focuses on his depictions of himself and a small group of sitters close to him. Drawings have always had a central role in Hockney’s practice, and this book is a beautiful demonstration that he never seized to try out new stylistic experiments. This selection of over 200 drawings is a celebration of the fact that, despite being one of the most influential British artists of his generation, Hockney remains a lifelong student. Which is very reassuring.

  • Sarah Howgate
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • Language English
  • Release2020
  • Pages208
  • Format27.7 x 25.7 cm
  • ISBN9781855147973

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