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Olivier SacksEn mouvement (on the move)

11.50 EUROS

Hans Theys’ selection for his storefront.

“Remarkable life of a remarkable man whose books I have read three times. Sacks never wrote about art. As her husband Bill confirmed to me by email, he thought he knew nothing about it. Yet everything he writes illuminates the mystery of art.

I have often written about Oliver Sacks, for example in my book ‘Scotomia’ (2019), which you can find here.” Hans Theys


  • Olivier Sacks
  • Points essais
  • Language French
  • Release2017
  • Pages528
  • Format17 x 11 cm
  • ISBN9782757865927

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

9 Rue Lesbroussart in 1050 Brussels

Shop 9 open Tuesday to Saturday / 11am to 7pm

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