Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage
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Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage
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Delphine DeguislageFight, Fore, Free, To, One


Delphine Deguislage is staging sculpted limbs from a female body, which is both almighty and fragmented, together with reinterpreted household objects and tools, as well as distorted architectural fragments. Often chosen for their function and/or their symbolic significance, they concentrate forms of intensities. Posed and exposed, they seem to be reclaiming both a physical and mental realm.

Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One, Delphine Deguislage
  • MER. Paper Kunsthalle
  • Languages English French
  • Release2017
  • Pages112
  • Format21 x 30 cm
  • ISBN9789492321633

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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