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Hilma af Klint Hilma af Klint: Parsifal and the Atom (1916-1917) - Catalogue Raisonné volume 4

55.00 EUROS

“This fourth volume of Hilma af Klint’s catalogue raisonné is devoted to the Parsifal series, in which she explores her inner self through the journey of a boy and a girl and their different levels of consciousness, and to the Atom series, which investigates the intricacies of our existence through what scientists then considered the smallest particles in the world. With contributions from Daniel Birnbaum and Kurt Almqvist, the catalogue consists of seven volumes soon to be available in a single box set.”

  • Kurt Almqvist
  • Language English
  • Release2021
  • Pages196
  • Format31 x 24 cm
  • ISBN978-91-89069-25-1

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