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Katrien De Blauwer, François HalardI Close My Eyes, Then I Drift Away


The idea for I Close My Eyes, Then I Drift Away by Katrien De Blauwer (b. 1969, Belgian) was founded as a commission for De Blauwer to anatomise archival works of François Halard (b. 1961, French) into a new and rare narrative. With a seductive and dreamlike state, bordering femininity and masculinity, she lets the observer immerse by the means of power structures and illusions, with nuances and parables to the contrasting career of Halard’s, yet with the most imaginable awe. All photographs appearing in this book were taken by François Halard and accumulated on July 3rd, 2019 by Katrien De Blauwer in Arles, France. All artworks were made in Antwerp, Belgium by Katrien De Blauwer. The concept for this book was conceived by editor and designer Tony Cederteg, who also wrote the preface for the book.

  • Libraryman
  • Language English
  • Release2019
  • Pages48
  • Format22 x 28 cm
  • ISBN9789188113344

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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