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Thierry De CordierIconotextures


Pier Vittorio Aureli’s selection for his storefront.

This book documents one of the most outstanding works produced in the last decade or so. Both its idea and its execution are amazing. You can stare at this book for hours.

“The Iconotextures series consists of twelve works: vast fields of paper measuring 300 x 150 cm where blue ink gravitates to the point of madness. The artist lets a text fall like a waterfall, linking definitions of God to the point of absurdity. Both those that affirm his existence and those that deny it. Oscillating between irony and the sacred, they constitute the spiritual matter (its texture) of an image which, like the icon, materializes the invisible. Through this calligraphy possessed by its own outpouring, Thierry De Cordier bears witness to the absurdity of the very idea of defining God. The Word becomes flesh. Blue as night, deep as doubt: a testimony to the fragility inherent in human consciousness.”

  • M.R.B.A.B., Bruxelles
  • Languages Dutch English French
  • Release2016
  • Pages32
  • Format44 x 33 cm
  • ISBN9789077013137

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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