La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard
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La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard
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Aline GerardLa table d'Aline (updated version)


After the great success of the first two editions, Aline is bringing back her book!
She did it *almost* by herself and in her own image: generous, punctuated with autobiographical anecdotes, warm recipes from many influences, including Sicily. But as a long-time inhabitant of Brussels, her recipes also find their way into our northern homes. Aline has been a chef, a photographer, and she writes a lot. Because sharing her knowledge was first embodied in the form of a blog, and all of that is now found in physical form in this book. Enjoy your meal.


La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard La table d'Aline, Aline Gerard
  • Aline Gerard
  • selfpublished
  • Language French
  • Release2020
  • Pages266
  • Format28 x 21.5 cm
  • ISBN9782805208126

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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