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Philip LarkinLa vie avec un trou dedans

16.25 EUROS

Hans Theys’ selection for his storefront.

“Larkin’s essays on literature, always commissions, are the best you can find. Above all, he is a poet. My favourite poem is ‘The Explosion’. It makes me cry every time I read it.

I’m talking about Larkin in this text about the Swedish artist Johan Gustavson in a book about his work made in 2011.” Hans Theys


  • Philip Larkin
  • Thierry Marchaisse
  • Language French
  • Release2011
  • Pages200
  • Format21 x 14 cm
  • ISBN9782362800054

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

9 Rue Lesbroussart in 1050 Brussels

Shop 9 open Tuesday to Saturday / 11am to 7pm

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