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Bell HooksLa volonté de changer : les hommes, la masculinité et l'amour

16.00 EUROS

Bye Bye Binary’s selection for their storefront.

The man – with a small m – is given “advantages and first choice roles” in their learning of life. While he has to do violence to himself – and his fellow men – to become dominant, he finds himself caught up in the patriarchal curse, leaving behind any emotional dimension. Bell hooks highlights how patriarchal culture impacts on men’s intimacy and how this affects their emotional, sexual and professional lives. The author raises the real question of masculinity and offers a glimpse of what it might be like to take the patriarchal counterpoint, for a liberated masculinity: a feminist masculinity.

“If for many men, feminism is a women’s issue, Bell hooks sets out here to demonstrate the opposite.

The patriarchal culture, in order to make ‘real men’, requires them to make a sacrifice. Despite the advantages and the primary role they enjoy, they have to do violence to themselves and their loved ones in order to become dominant, thereby mutilating their emotional lives. The Will to Change is one of the first feminist books to clearly address the issue of masculinity. Addressing the most common concerns of men, from fear of intimacy to unhappiness in love, to the injunction to work, manhood and sexual performance, Bell hooks provides a vivid insight into what a liberated, and therefore feminist, masculinity could be.”


  • Bell Hooks
  • Editions Divergences
  • Language French
  • Release2021
  • Pages240
  • Format20 x 12 cm
  • ISBN9791097088415

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