Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma
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Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma
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Alfredo ColomaLe gamin

20.00 EUROS

This series of 30 collages was made by Alfredo Coloma while he was working as a night receptionist in two of Maja Hoffmann’s hotels in Arles. The collages were made out of the stickers glued on theoranges that he pressed to preparejuice for the breakfasts’ buffets. Thus, this book can be read as a kind ofwork log: each collage corresponds to the quantity of oranges pressed per day. In June 2016, freshly graduated from the École nationale supérieure de la photographie in Arles, Coloma overcame the complicated post-graduation period largely thanks to the salary he receivedwhile working in these establishments for a few months. His activity was not limited to the accomplishment of the tasks related to his position. In fact, he integrated his artistic production (of course, outside of his contractual hours) by using residues from his daily chores.

Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma Le gamin, Alfredo Coloma
  • Surfaces Utiles
  • Languages English French Spanish
  • Release2020
  • Pages64
  • Format31 x 21.7 cm
  • ISBN9782960200270

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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