Baptiste MorizotLes Diplomates : Cohabiter avec les loups sur une nouvelle carte du vivant
It is above all a geopolitical problem: to react to the spontaneous return of the wolf in France, and to its dispersion in a countryside that rural depravity almost renders to its past of «Gaule chevelue». The return of the wolf questions our ability to coexist with the biodiversity that makes us – to invent new forms of diplomacy.
Our sense of ownership and boundaries is a “sense of territory” that we have in common with other animals. And our diplomatic know-how is rooted in an animal competence inscribed in the deepest of our evolutionary history.
Guided by Charles Darwin, Konrad Lorenz, Aldo Leopold… and many other “diplomats”, Morizot offers an essay on animal philosophy.
Like a prairie fire, this book crosses and fertilizes the great topics of the philosophy of ecology, of ethology, to ethics. He sketches a world where we will live “in good understanding with what, inside and outside of us, does not want to be domesticated”.
- Baptiste Morizot
- Language French
- Release2016
- Pages320
- Format14 x 22 cm
- ISBN9782918490555