Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz
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Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz
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Dominique PutzLes figures architectoniques

18.00 EUROS

This book explores the theme of the figure as the interface where form and meaning meet and communicate. This research was carried out by deciphering the shape of buildings, cities and landscapes.

“Modern man has lost the reading of architecture and its figures. The gaze often shifts to the outward appearance, where effect and “packaging” obscure the lack of relationship to the context, the place and the city, and to the lived experience derived from it.

Behind architecture, however, lies architectonics, which is the link between construction as an “arranged substance” and the representations attached to it. It determines our experience space in which we live, which takes on meaning and form through its figures. The figure is the interface where form and meaning meet and communicate, a theme that this book proposes to explore.

This will lead us to question the nature of the founding principles and the systems that embody them, and to look for them in the intentions that are embodied in architecture through figures and derive their true expression from them. It is with this in mind that this research will approach the deciphering of the form of buildings, cities and landscapes. »

Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz Les figures architectoniques, Dominique Putz
  • Dominique Putz
  • Cosa Mentale
  • Language French
  • Release2020
  • Pages256
  • Format21 x 11 cm
  • ISBN9782491039073
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