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Donna Haraway Manifeste cyborg et autres essais : Sciences, Fictions, Féminismes

29.00 EUROS

Bye Bye Binary’s selection for their storefront.

We don’t struggle without Donna J. Haraway to carry out a revolution in language, writing and gender. The Cyborg Manifesto helped us get the ball rolling in 2018, both in its theoretical contribution and in its practical potential: our first inclusive, hybrid and mutant typographic experiments were applied to the manifesto. A gesture that seemed obvious to us in order to trigger visual associations, awaken sensations, orient the reading, accompany Donna Haraway’s discourse and respond to our crucial collective goal: to rethink and redefine social reality, explore new narratives, reject binarity, disrupt norms and thumb our noses at patriarchy.

“The end of the twentieth century, our time, this mythical time, has arrived and we are chimeras, hybrids of machines and organisms theorised and then manufactured; in short, cyborgs.
The cyborg is our ontology; it defines our politics. The cyborg is a condensed image of imagination and material reality combined, and this union structures any possibility of historical transformation. In the Western tradition of science and politics, a tradition of male domination, racism and capitalism, a tradition of progress, a tradition of appropriating nature as a resource for the productions of culture, a tradition of reproducing oneself through the gaze of others, the relationship between organism and machine has been one of boundary wars… ”

So says Donna Haraway, professor at the Department of History of Consciousness, University of California at Santa Cruz. She is one of the personalities who have shaped the field of feminist theory and science studies. Her texts have been translated into more than 16 languages, making her a key author on the international intellectual scene, a thinker on postmodernity and technoscience. Most of her work is still unpublished in French. Welcome to Donna Haraway’s strange world of cyborgs, hybrids, femalemen, oncomice, coyotes and other monsters. The old dichotomies of feminine/male, nature/culture, living/artifact are thwarted. Welcome to Donna Haraway’s world, her fabulations are our own, our worst fears or our best hopes? Clearly, the political maps for the invention of new spaces.

This anthology offers the essential texts of Donna Haraway: Cyborg Manifesto, Situated Knowledge, Teddy Bear Patriarchy, Ecce Homo, Modest Witness, Race.

  • Donna Haraway
  • Exils
  • Language French
  • Release2007
  • Pages333
  • Format20.7 x 17 cm
  • ISBN9782912969637

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