Couverture du livre Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche
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Couverture du livre Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche
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Benoît Dusart, Hans TheysManon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces


“Manon Bara paints, which does not necessarily mean producing paintings. Because Manon Bara’s painting does not bother too much with supports… because it is limitless, compulsive, gluttonous, charged with a desire too great to be contained. The best is therefore the one of today, which is made, which overflows, still wet, which stains and sticks to the fingers. It is a honey in which Jesus and Michael Jackson, a few dinosaurs and a host of little cats would be candied.
Popular icons compacted without the slightest condescension or cruelty, cooked with the respect and devotion that cannibal practices imply. As a result, Manon Bara’s universe is her body, and it is impossible to disentangle the work and the artist […]”. Benoît Dusart

“My current paintings explore the animal side of man and the human side of the animal. What makes the animal human is first of all the glint of light in the eye.
What makes a man or a woman an animal is the coat. […] Even my gesture in painting is a bit wild. I like emotion, there has to be emotion. Manon Bara, interview with Hans Theys

Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche Manon Bara: En Chair Et En Noces - Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys , Cfc, Peinture Fraiche
  • Benoît Dusart, Hans Theys
  • Cfc
  • Languages English French
  • Release2023
  • Pages144
  • Format21 x 17 cm
  • ISBN9782875720863

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