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Mutation and Morphosis : landscape as aggregate

50.00 EUROS

A lavishly illustrated look at new contexts and topics in landscape design
Anyone viewing what we call a “landscape” from a distance will recognize that it is an artifact, a habitat created by humans as part of our built environment. This fascinating book examines the collective process of designing and shaping landscapes, from planning to implementation. In theoretical discussions and detailed dossiers every facet of landscape design is covered: from the emergence of new landscapes as a result of climate change to the migration of the wolf to Central Europe, from the impact of invasive plants to the study of geological formation processes. These are contextualized by the outstanding projects realized by VOGT Landscape Architects based in Zurich. The publication includes talks between Günther Vogt and experts from various fields in art and science, as well as contributions by artists Julien Charrière, Olafur Eliasson, Andreas Greiner, Roni Horn, Marguerite Humeau, Dafi Kühne and Christian Vogt.

  • Gunther Vogt, Thomas Kissling
  • Lars Muller
  • Language English
  • Release2020
  • Pages784
  • Format17.5 x 24 cm
  • ISBN9783037786185

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