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New Territories Laboratories for Design, Craft and Art in Latin America

36.00 EUROS

New Territories examines creative practices in today’s globalized world, in which disciplines overlap more than ever before. Looking in particular at countries such as Brazil, Cuba, Panama, Columbia, Mexico, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Chile, this volume discusses the ways in which craft, art and design have transcended their former identities. Today, artists in these fields may address issues of not only commodification and mass production, but also social concerns of urbanization, displacement, housing and sustainability. Including the work of more than 100 artists, designers/design studios and artisans, New Territories sets out to explore the present state of design–much of which has emerged from interfaces between manufacturers, folk artisans, indigenous artists and designers–and its future.

  • Ed. Lowery Stokes Sims
  • Museum of Arts and Design, Turner libros
  • Language English
  • Release2014
  • Pages244
  • Format26 x 21 cm
  • ISBN9788415832850

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