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Alex MortelmansRadis érudits


Groups of citizens have organised themselves in direct contact with a local farmer: Yannick Hostie. As the seasons go by, he offers a choice of produce, at markets and through solidarity purchasing groups. Every week, messages are exchanged via the network: orders in response to offer texts. In their emails, the market gardeners describe not only the products available, but also how their crops are progressing. Occasionally, participative work camps strengthen the links with this enthusiastic, inquisitive, ever-creative, militant, non-profitable grower, demanding for his vegetables, generous for his GAS…

Starting with a fascination for the power of plant forms, the project developed around the work of Yannick Hostie. A market gardener with an expressive and inventive style all his own, he produces delicious – and beautiful – produce. So we started going ‘out there’, to see his crops – and his culture. Over the years, visits to this biotope teeming with life have led to a gradual widening of the field of observation: the concrete and earthy production is part of his broad approach that constantly explores and rediscovers, crossing eras, disciplines and borders.

Delightful illustrations by Alex Mortelmans accompany us throughout the book.

  • Koalath
  • Language French
  • Release2024
  • Pages250
  • Format30 x 22.2 cm
  • ISBN9782960180800

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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