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Raphael – Revolution in Tapestry Design


The spectacular beauty of Raphael’s tapestries as you have never seen it before.

In 1515, Pope Leo X commissioned the Italian painter Raffaello Sanzio (1483–1520), now generally known as Raphael in English, to make the cartoons for a series of ten tapestries with scenes from the lives of Saints Peter and Paul. This commission played an instrumental part in the stylistic development of the Flemish tapestries, a marvellous illustration of princely splendour in the sixteenth century. Under Habsburg rule, Brussels soon emerged as a leading manufactory for exquisite products. Raphael’s designs are among the most successful series in the history of tapestry production. This publication highlights the tremendous wealth of these tapestries in intricate detail. It accompanies a collection exhibition of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, home to the former imperial tapestry collection, from 26 September 2023 to 14 January 2024.

  • Katja Schmitz-von Ledebur
  • Hannibal
  • Language English
  • Release2023
  • Pages228
  • Format29 x 30.5 cm
  • ISBN9789464666595

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