Couverture du livre Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche
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Couverture du livre Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche
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Mark SteinmetzRivers & Towns


The photographs in Rivers & Towns, Mark Steinmetz’s new book, were taken in the 1980s in the working-class towns and cities of Connecticut, USA.

“The eerie mills and factories built along the rivers had seen their heyday and were beginning to decline. These places spoke to me and I wanted to describe these bridges, these houses, these streets, and show in some way the life of the people. And at the same time I was trying to find myself as a photographer.

— Mark Steinmetz “

Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche Rivers & Towns - Mark Steinmetz. Stanley Barker. Peinture Fraiche
  • Stanley Barker
  • Release2021
  • Pages208
  • Format29 x 29 cm
  • ISBN9781913288341

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