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Rudolf MaeglinRudolf Maeglin : Painter


“The Basler artist Rudolf Maeglin (1892–1971) opted to be a painter, thus acting against the upper middle class tradition in his family. In 1933 he was one of the founder-members of the anti-fascist Gruppe 33. He has lived in the workers’ quarter of Basel, Klybeck, since 1947, has worked in factories and on building sites, painting what he experienced during the day and night. Through his paintings of building sites he advanced to become a documentarist of the rapid changes in his hometown. The oeuvre he produced between 1930 and 1970 is distinctive and multifaceted, but has so far only rarely been widely accessible.”

  • Rudolf Maeglin
  • Christoph Merian
  • Languages English German
  • Release2021
  • Pages268
  • Format28.9 x 21 cm
  • ISBN9783856169411

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