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Valentina Raffaelli, Luca BoscardinScarti d'Italia - Italian Scraps


A journey through Italy in a blue van transformed into a mobile home, with the common thread being the cuisine of the fifth quarter: spleen, liver, lampredotto, pig’s feet, entrails to be cooked with traditional recipes such as tripe alla romana or coratella brodettata. In ten months on the road, Valentina Raffaelli and Luca Boscardin explored the country in search of the gastronomic traditions linked to offal, and they tell the story through drawings, photographs and regional recipes.

Valentina and Luca met chefs, restaurateurs and breeders, tasted and cooked, dedicating themselves to those parts that some might call “waste” and reflecting on the role that tradition can play in the current discourse on sustainability. An atypical cookbook, Scarti d’Italia is an investigation into what we eat and what we waste, a culinary adventure where nothing is thrown away.

  • Valentina Raffaelli, Luca Boscardin
  • Corraini Edizioni
  • Languages English Italian
  • Release2021
  • Pages288
  • Format24.5 x 17.5 cm
  • ISBN9788875708498

Evénement Focus "Verre" à l'occasion de l'exposition "Metaverre" chez Mathilde Hatzenberger du 16 mai au 7 juillet. Bienvenue ! Cette semaine : Présentation et signature par Christian Heck de "Présence de la Lumière Inaccessible : Les Vitraux de Conques et la peinture de Soulages" ce jeudi 23 mai à 16h à la galerie Faider

9 Rue Lesbroussart in 1050 Brussels

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