Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas
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Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas
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Jonas MekasScrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010

32.00 EUROS

Andy Warhol, Susan Sontag, John Lennon & Yoko Ono – Jonas Mekas knew many New York artists well. Born in Lithuania, he came to Brooklyn via Germany in 1949 and began shooting his first experimental films there. Mekas developed a form of logbook in which he recorded his daily observations. He became the barometer of the New York art scene and a pioneer of American avant-garde cinema. It was in 1958 that Jonas Mekas began publishing his famous Movie Journal column in Village Voice, which covered a variety of topics beyond the world of cinema. “Scrapbook of the Sixties” brings together many of these articles as well as interviews with artists and unpublished texts.

Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas Scrapbook of the Sixties Writings 1958 – 2010, Jonas Mekas
  • Spector Books
  • Language English
  • Release2019
  • Pages456
  • Format21.5 x 16 cm
  • ISBN9783959050333

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