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Takenobu Igarashi A- Z


In the mid-1970s, designer Takenobu Igarashi began a prolific, decade-long exploration into the possibilities of three-dimensional typography. His first experiments with lettering―heavily influenced by the avant-garde typography of the 1920s―appeared on magazine covers, posters, and record sleeves. Timeless and technically dazzling, Igarashi’s signature style demonstrates his mastery of three-dimensional forms and perspective, refined long before the introduction of computers into the design industry. Takenobu Igarashi A–Z offers a comprehensive guide to Igarashi’s experimental typography, featuring not only his most celebrated works, but also a first look at archival plans, drawings, and production drafts for his iconic designs. From his early print works and hand-drawn experiments to self-initiated sculptural pieces and high-profile 3-D identities for international clients and institutions, this book is a long-overdue survey of one of the most ingenious graphic designers of the twentieth century.

  • Ed. Sakura Nomiyama, Haruki Mori
  • Thames & Hudson
  • Language English
  • Release2020
  • Pages384
  • Format20.5 x 25.5 cm
  • ISBN9780500023068
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