The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices
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The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices
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The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices

40.00 EUROS

Beyond the many elements that make up a buildings appearance, its physical preconditions remain the most important. Buildings are subject to fundamental and immutable laws that impose shapes, patterns, orders, and constraints. The Bones of Architecture investigates the cultivation of structures for architecture. Several European architects and engineers present their works and approaches while reflecting on rules, strategies, and methods in structural design. Various design strategies are explored through selected projects by 6A Architects, Rui Furtado, Bruther Architects, Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter, Alejandro Bernabeu, Brandlhuber+, and Ingegneri Pedrazzini Guidotti.

The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices The Bones of Architecture, structure and design practices
  • Mario Rinke (ed.)
  • Triest
  • Language English
  • Release2019
  • Pages224
  • Format24 x 17 cm
  • ISBN9783038630449

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