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The Glass of the Architects Vienna 1900 - 1937


Published in collaboration with the MAK Vienna and “LE STANZE DEL VETRO” on the occasion of the exhibition in Venice, the volume presents over 300 works from the collection of the MAK Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art in Vienna and private collections. It focuses for the first time on the history of glassmaking in Austria from 1900 to 1937, a period spanning the last decades of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the First Republic. In fact in the early 20th century a group of young architects, designers, and fine arts and architecture students developed a special interest in the process of glassmaking.

  • Ed. Rainald Franz
  • Skira
  • Language English
  • Release2016
  • Pages328
  • Format31 x 24 cm
  • ISBN9788857232447

Rencontre avec Nicolas Auzanneau dimanche 16 mars à 16 heures à l'occasion de la sortie en letton de sa "Bibliuguiansie" // Bienvenue !

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