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Marinella SenatoreThe School of Narrative Dance, Roma


Founded by Marinella Senatore, the School of Narrative Dance is an international initiative that offers an alternative education system, based on emancipation, inclusion and self-cultivation. The school implements multidisciplinary projects focused on storytelling and choreography. This publication documents a workshop at MAXXI, Rome, attended by over 300 people over five months. This was a workshop that temporarily transformed the museum into a laboratory for “alternative education” which resulted in a performance. Reflecting on the concept of the artwork as a ‘participatory form of expression’, Senatore orchestrated a creative process such that all participants – many of whom were participating for the first time in the art world – shared their skills, memories and experiences in an open dialogue. The school of narrative dance is also an indication of the artist’s ability to connect art and society, the intimate and the public, in a practice that is oriented towards the community rather than towards the individual.

  • Language English
  • Release2017
  • Pages134
  • Format24 x 17 cm
  • ISBN9788897503699

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