Couverture du livre The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche
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Couverture du livre The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche
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Barbara BosworthThe Sea


Since arriving in New England in 1984, Barbara Bosworth has been photographing the sea and its impressive ability to transform sky, water and light.

The sea evokes quiet introspection, romance and poetry, yet remains a profoundly unknowable and overwhelming natural force, a contradiction that has drawn people to the shore for millennia. Before she discovered photography, and for as long as she can remember, Bosworth looked at the sea. She spent many hours with her father watching the light cross Cape Cod Bay. Later in life, she walked those same beaches with the wonder that had been passed down from her father, as well as generations of writers, poets, and artists. This book of photographs of the sea, taken with an 8×10 camera, follows in the tradition of The Meadow and The Heavens, serving as the third and final volume in the series, retaining the same dimensions and design elements as the two previous publications.

The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche The Sea - Barbara Bosworth, Radius Books, Peinture Fraiche
  • Radius Books
  • Language English
  • Release2022
  • Pages200
  • Format32.5 x 26 cm
  • ISBN9781942185918

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