Too many words, Walter Swennen Too many words, Walter Swennen Too many words, Walter Swennen Too many words, Walter Swennen
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Too many words, Walter Swennen Too many words, Walter Swennen Too many words, Walter Swennen Too many words, Walter Swennen
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Walter Walter SwennenToo many words

50.00 EUROS

Walter Swennen is one of Belgium’s foremost contemporary painters. TOO MANY WORDS brings together all the paintings made between 2017 and 2020, and five recent essays and interviews written by Hans Theys. As such, this publication follows the book Hic Haec Hoc (2016), which reproduced all of Swennen’s paintings made between 2013 and 2016.
TOO MANY WORDS also contains correspondence, interviews, artist writings, and drawings from the same period, many of which have not been published before, as well as a selection of recently rediscovered older paintings.

Too many words, Walter Swennen Too many words, Walter Swennen Too many words, Walter Swennen
  • Hans Theys
  • Xavier Hufkens
  • Languages Dutch English French
  • Release2021
  • Pages330
  • Format26 x 21.5 cm
  • ISBN9789491245275

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