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Nick MaussTransmissions


An aesthetic and social history of art and dance in mid-20th-century New York interpreted by contemporary artist Nick Mauss
Over the past decade, Nick Mauss (b. 1980) has pursued a hybrid mode of working that melds the roles of curator, artist, and scholar. This catalogue leans heavily into the scholarship side of his practice, building on his 2018 Whitney Museum exhibition with a closer look at the relationship between modernist ballet and the New York avant-garde. In the 1930s through 1950s, ballet was introduced to a popular audience in New York and was simultaneously influenced by developments in Europe in painting, photography, fashion, music, and poetry. Mauss reflects on this period of rich cross-media production and synergy, ultimately arguing for the inseparability of dance and art history.

  • Dancing Foxes Press Whitney Museum of American Art
  • Language English
  • Release2019
  • Pages190
  • Format29.8 x 24.1 cm
  • ISBN9780300246841

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