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Nicholas NixonUne infime distance


This monograph explores the work of American photographer Nicholas Nixon, offering a cross-section of his work through the lens of intimacy. At the heart of the book is the emblematic Brown Sisters series, four sisters he has photographed for over forty-five years, reproduced for the first time in full in a publication.
Around this corpus, various unpublished series are mixed with more emblematic images that will allow us to rediscover this prolific artist: from industrial landscapes to his portraits of rural families in the South of the United States, passing through the daily life of his wife, to very tight shots of faces. The book highlights Nixon’s particular photographic distance, starting with distant views and ending with a series of images of the infinitely close.

  • Isabelle Darrigrand, Gilles Mora
  • Atelier EXB
  • Language French
  • Release2021
  • Pages168
  • Format28.5 x 23.7 cm
  • ISBN9782365112956

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