Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche
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Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche
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Harold StrakVerdigris


Harold Strak builds his own cameras, prepares his own film material, and approaches photography in an almost scientific, technically perfectionist way. He experiments with traces of time in his work, thereby exposing the tension between control and chance. ‘Verdigris’ presents an associative visual narrative in which recent and early work, such as daily images of an old plane tree and traces and remains on glass and other surfaces, are alternated with city views and subsequently merged into high-quality printing ink and paper. The title is a reference to the green or bluish deposit, especially of copper carbonates, that forms on copper, brass, or bronze surfaces.

Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche Verdigris - Harold Strak, Van Zoetendaal Publishers, Peinture Fraiche
  • Van Zoetendaal Publishers
  • Release2022
  • Pages120
  • Format25 x 18 cm
  • ISBN9789072532510

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