Weather Reports You - Roni Horn, Steidl, Peinture Fraiche Weather Reports You - Roni Horn, Steidl, Peinture Fraiche Weather Reports You - Roni Horn, Steidl, Peinture Fraiche
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Weather Reports You - Roni Horn, Steidl, Peinture Fraiche Weather Reports You - Roni Horn, Steidl, Peinture Fraiche Weather Reports You - Roni Horn, Steidl, Peinture Fraiche
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Roni HornWeather Reports You


Roni Horn’s collective self-portrait through stories about the weather is available again.

“Everyone has a story about the weather. It is perhaps the only thing we have in common. And even though the weather varies a lot from place to place, it is, in the end, a time we share. The weather has become a popular topic of conversation around the world. Some say that talking about the weather is talking about yourself. And with each passing day, the weather is becoming more and more ours, even part of us. Weather Reports You is the beginning of a collective self-portrait,” writes Roni Horn, “a metaphor for the physical, metaphysical, political, social and moral energy of a person and a place.

This book is a new edition of the first Weather Reports You from 2007, a collection of oral reports on the weather, made on location in Iceland, accompanied by photographs taken at the time and place of each interview.

Weather Reports You - Roni Horn, Steidl, Peinture Fraiche Weather Reports You - Roni Horn, Steidl, Peinture Fraiche
  • Roni Horn
  • Steidl
  • Language English
  • Release2022
  • Pages200
  • Format20.3 x 14 cm
  • ISBN9783958299108

Evénement Focus "Verre" à l'occasion de l'exposition "Metaverre" chez Mathilde Hatzenberger du 16 mai au 7 juillet. Bienvenue ! Cette semaine : Présentation et signature par Christian Heck de "Présence de la Lumière Inaccessible : Les Vitraux de Conques et la peinture de Soulages" ce jeudi 23 mai à 16h à la galerie Faider

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