Michel Tolmer chez Winery en collaboration avec Peinture Fraîche

Michel Tolmer at Winery in collaboration with Peinture Fraîche

Book launch

Winery is joining forces with Peinture Fraîche and inviting Michel Tolmer to sign his book Mimi, Fifi, Glouglou (Éd. de l’Épure, 3 volumes). The meeting will take place on Friday 22 April at Winery Place Brugmann and on Saturday 23 April at Winery Boitsfort, from 2.30 to 6.30 pm.

With a touch of acidity but always benevolent, Michel Tolmer has been THE natural wine pencil for decades. His posters and comics are as many short stories collected on the bar or in the vineyards, caricaturing with finesse sommeliers and customers. To be savoured during two exclusive meetings: his posters and his trilogy “Mimi, Fifi, Glouglou”!

Michel Tolmer was born in 1960 in Paris. He studied graphic arts, then bacchic arts. With his elbows on the zincs of the capital, we see the bottles and their authors pass by. As he meets people, illustrating wine becomes more and more natural. So Michel Tolmer gets drunk with images, posters, labels, paintings, always as if it were the first thirst. He is the author of the Epaulé-jeté poster for Pierre and Catherine Breton in Bourgueil, has created labels for many winegrowers, including Thierry Germain, Anselme Selosse, Moulin Pey-Labrie, Vino di Anna, Karim Vionnet, Fanny Sabre and Marc Penavayre, and for the past 20 years has been designing the invitations for the La Dive Bouteille wine fair. With his friend Philippe Quesnot, he created Glougueule, a blog and poster publisher: https://www.glougueule.fr Three comic strip albums (Mimi, Fifi & Glouglou) have been published by Editions de l’Épure. He collaborates with the magazine 12°5.

When he opened Winery on Place Brugmann in 2004, its founder Frédéric de Thibault established himself as the forerunner of the Brussels wine bar where you can have a snack. Over the years, the project has confirmed its expertise in natural wines produced by artisans in Languedoc, Roussillon, Alsace, Jura and the Loire. Today, Winery deploys its philosophy in three addresses offering different experiences, from neighbourhood wine bars to restaurants. And long live free wines!

The Peinture Fraîche team will also be present during these two days and will present a small selection of works with a winegrowing flavour. 

Evénement Focus "Verre" à l'occasion de l'exposition "Metaverre" chez Mathilde Hatzenberger du 16 mai au 7 juillet. Bienvenue ! Cette semaine : Présentation et signature par Christian Heck de "Présence de la Lumière Inaccessible : Les Vitraux de Conques et la peinture de Soulages" ce jeudi 23 mai à 16h à la galerie Faider

9 Rue Lesbroussart in 1050 Brussels

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