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Jared DiamondGuns germs and steel


Hans Theys’ selection for his storefront.

« The reason why they invented the wheel (apart from toys) was because they had no animals to pull a cart. Thus, the invention of printing came about because of the simultaneous presence of olive presses from Italy, paper from China, ink, the possibility of casting letters in lead, etc. All this was made possible by the absence of geographical barriers (deserts, oceans, etc.). All this was made possible by the absence of geographical barriers (deserts, oceans, mountains) between China, Italy and Germany. A crazy book.

I talk about Jared Diamond in my book ‘Scotomia‘, published in 2019. » Hans Theys

Version française disponible ici.

  • Jared Diamond
  • Penguin Books - Vintage
  • Langue Anglais
  • Publication2017
  • Pages592
  • Format19.8 x 12.9 cm
  • ISBN9780099302780

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