Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche
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Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche
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Jess BaileyMany Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting

13.35 EUROS

L’action radicale est nourrie par le patchwork. Les quilts sont tendres, féroces et fiables. Ils sont provocateurs et réparateurs. Les quilts contiennent des personnes et des histoires. En épousant la forme unique d’un corps sous leur surface en cascade, ils affirment la vitalité de l’amour et de la sécurité. Tout au long de l’histoire, les communautés se sont tournées vers l’intimité collective des quilts dans les moments de détresse. Ce zine raconte ces histoires.

Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche Many Hands Make a Quilt: Short Histories of Radical Quilting, Common Threads Press, Peinture Fraiche
  • Jess Bailey
  • Common Threads Press
  • Langue Anglais
  • Publication2021
  • Pages52
  • Format21 x 15 cm
  • ISBN9781916323483

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